Clapback Guide for Sensitive People

I had a hard time growing up. I didn’t look like anyone and I was sensitive to their ferocious.

If you come to any of my shows you’ll hear me talk about growing up in a very (very) Italian-American family and neighborhood in Queens. How I was searching for belonging and identity until it found me. How the search was ridiculous from the outset, I just didn’t know it yet. It was hard for the kid, but great for comedy.

Through all of this I’ve developed from coping mechanisms that sometimes work. I say sometimes because there’s nothing that works all of the time. Giving people “the solution” is something self-help scammers do and I’m grateful that I have low self esteem to never get that confident.

People tell me on social that they deal with assholes all the time, who seem to prey on us weirdo types as we stick out. Don’t I know it!

So put together some of the things I’ve learned to deal with mean people. How I’ve sometimes come out without feeling (so) bad. I’m calling it my “Clapback Guide for Sensitive People.”

I made it picturesque in a colorful PDF you can scroll through because life is easier when information is fun.

You can get the “Clapback Guide for Sensitive People” by joining my email list here!